Orc Defender for Iphone Latest Android Games

Orc Defender is a multiplayer online game that uses the GPS capabilities of iPhone which allows you to create fierce and cool warriors. Custom characters can belong to any of the six classes: Champion, Guerrero, Druadan, Supervisor, Hunter, and Monk, each with bonus melee, magic, lock statistics, speed and health.

Orcs can be equipped with weapons, shields, rings, spells and potions to give them the advantage in battle. You can name your character whatever name you like to. Orc Defender has a random name generator but it seems pretty useless, because almost all the name that it suggests are already been used by another player.

Once youve created your orc it is the time to zoom out and find opponents. The game requires you to constantly go online and use the iPhones GPS to site your position on the map. On Orc Defender you can post forts, citadels and keeps you from your backyard to the Eiffel Tower. You win the territory by defeating the defenders of the other players, which are marked by red flags with filters so that the opponents of equal strength are displayed.

Battle arenas are suitably dark and dirty, the 3D characters sufficiently detailed to show the whole part of your terrible ogres. However, the animations are not as fluid or natural as could be but Orc Defender is really fun to play with. Always check this blog for the latest android games and the latest games in any platform.

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